Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Short List of Things That I Love

1. Waking up after a really good night's sleep

2. Unexpected laughter

3. Music that moves emotion and soul

4. Kissing in the cold night air with the stars above

5. Seeing a shooting star

6. Being recognized for my true self and loved for it

7. Sharing in the joy of others

8. Chris's slow and heavy heartbeat

9. Putting a smile on some one's face

10. Being able to explain something difficult

11. Tight hugs from friends rarely seen

12. Family that is chosen, not just required

13. The sound of gravel underfoot

14. Cleverness and wit

15. Not being able to guess where the conversation in going

16. The unimaginable depth of Scripture

17. Slow dancing with my husband

18. A book that comes to life and cannot be walked away from

19. Connecting soul to soul with a friend

20. The transcendent glory of God that does not shut me out but invites me in


Anonymous said...

I love your list. I love number 4 too. I love you the most.

Missy said...

You forgot #21....Missy Lowery- a fun girl that makes me laugh and is addicted to Twilight. She likes pina coladas, vampires, and the music of Abba done to dancing and musical numbers.

There, I feel better now.

#10 made me smile, because that is so you! I give you props for being good at explaning difficult things and for taking the time to do so.

Grateful Introspection

Sometimes when a person is expressing gratitude, others call their words a "humble brag". Ty explained this to me. The person is a...