Thursday, January 17, 2008

Oh my gosh, I'm sitting here, at the church, working away and the men are watching American Idol try-outs. And laughing like crazy. Hearing these sad, pitiful people, who think they can sing is ... well... sad and pitiful. Stokes and Co. think it's hilarious. And to be honest, one of the guys sounds like he's deaf.

Why do people who cannot sing, think that they can? Have they never used a cheap little tape recorder to listen? Are they so tone-deaf that they can't even hear it? Sad. Sad. Sad. ... And pitiful.


Anonymous said...

This is my favorite part of American Idol, the try outs. Sometimes I see people on there and I get embarrassed for them. I have to turn the channel for a few minutes because I feel almost nauseated for them! Brian laughs so hard I think he's going to pass out. I've never seen a man turn red so fast from laughing. Good stuff.

Burt said...

glad you didn't interrupt Stokes from actually doing any church work!

Missy said...

When they did Bham tryouts I took my brother down there to try out. It was so much fun seeing all of the VERY intersting people.
It's annoying though when they don't let people through that can actually sing so they can make room for the losers!

Les said...

Go Down Moses was the best! Why didn't they let him go to Hollywood? I'll tell you why - oppression. "The man" always trying to keep us down.

"Let my people goooo!"

Crissy said...

Leslie, you are so retarded. But you make me laugh.

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