Sunday, July 08, 2007

Bad Dreams

Poor Brody... He's been having really scary dreams lately. He wakes up almost every night crying and wanting to sleep with me. I was starting to get annoyed (cause I'm selfish and like my sleep and this has been going on for a couple of weeks). That is until he described his dreams to me.

I cried with him. His nightmares were horrible. He dreamed that I pushed him under the water. That he fell in the water with snakes and crocodile and monsters. He dreamed he was bitten by a crocodile. He dreamed that Chris died. He dreamed that bad guys took me. He dreamed that I was on top of a mountain and he was trying to get me. Scary stuff for such a little guy.

I held him again as he cried while telling me about his dreams. My heart broke a little. Why has he been dreaming these things? I have my suspicions but the thing that humbles me is that I'm the only one who can make it better when he wakes up terrified. That's my job. What a privilege. He doesn't want anyone else. Just his Momma. I'm glad that I'm his Momma.

1 comment:

Jawan said...

Oh, Crissy...that makes me cry.

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