Monday, September 01, 2008

Random Questions

"Do you have to have Jedi blood in order to be a Jedi?"

"When can I have a cell phone?"

"Why can't I play games with blood in them?"

"Can I have a million dollars to put in my pocket?"

"Is it okay to eat like a dog as long as we're not in a resturant?"

"How do you spell 'incomprehensible'?"

"Can I have a mohawk?"

All questions that I have been asked in the very recent past.


Laura said...

Questions I was asked today: Can we go to the park? Can we go to the park? Can we go to the park? Can we go to the park now? Now can we go to the park? Can we please go to the park? Please can we go to the park? Can we go to the park, please? One, two, three ... now is it time to go to the park?


Anonymous said...

I'm the one asking the odd questions these days. I feel strange asking another human being has he done a poopie yet. Motherhood reduces my intellegence daily. I fear one day I'll wake up saying "bah bah bah bah bah bah".

Michelle said...

I was thinking I was going to start having my kids bully your kids to get their "milk money" just in case the answer to the million dollar question was "yes" but then I remembered your kids are home schooled. Wise choice...very wise! I got a question for ya... Where do you live? juuuuust kidding :)

Missy said...

I would like your next post to be your anwers to all of those questions...It might help me know what to do about some stray dogs that have been getting in to our trash!

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