Sunday, October 28, 2007

Suits and Liberty

I've recently discovered something about Ty. He loves wearing suits. I mean he really likes it. Coat, tie, dress shoes, the whole bit. He has his suit from Patrick's wedding. That's the only dressy outfit he owns. I would buy him more but the problem is.... he loathes shopping. Hates it. Will not go and if you make him go, he pouts. In other words, he acts just like a man. What is a mother to do?... Let him keep wearing jeans until he's willing to shop.

The reason I'm thinking about this is because he wore his suit all day today. His party was today and he was George Washington. Way cool. The black suit with the white, fluffy collar. The white wig with the pony tail and the knee high black riding boots. He was all into it too. He pleases me. Makes me smile.

For his party, I read portions of Patrick Henry's famous speech and then let the boys 'enlist'. The signed their names on cards that read; "I, ______, hereby enlist in the Army of the Continental Congress in order to fight for the cause of liberty. Victory or Death! Enlistment accepted by: General George Washington"

After that they received their muskets (dowel rods) and their patriot hats (dollar store pirate hats turned inside out and stapled). They set up tents made out of white plastic table cloths, sticks and twine. They built a fire ring. I told them about different battles. The battle of Dorchester Heights got a grin and a "Cool" from Griff. I am the queen of the day. They then proceeded to fight the war.

I made signs and nailed them all around the property. Bunker Hill, Dorchester Heights, Delaware River, Saratoga, Valley Forge and Yorktown. They marched from site to site using their imaginations. I cannot possibly express how much I love that. Greg asked one of the little ones what battle they were fighting, they replied the Battle of Cigarette. I think he meant Saratoga. I hope he meant Saratoga.

Their reward for defeating the British was cheesecake. And carrots, celery and grapes. That's what Ty requested and they ate every bit of it. Just goes to show that most of the time kids eat what they're offered.

Overall, it was a fun day. We had a potluck for lunch... one less thing for me to think about. Then the men stayed outside and completely ignored the kids. The women sat around the kitchen table and talked and ignored the kids. The kids were outside fighting the redcoats and ignored the adults. Three different worlds. Lovely.

I have much for which to be thankful.


Kim said...

What a fantastic party! I was wondering what you were up to yesterday. Great, GREAT party idea. I'm going to have to remember that, and then, of course, call you as my Revolutionary War expert for our version. I'll give you chocolate. Missed you yesterday, friend!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I am in awe of your creativity!!! I say just buy the man a suit and if it is a little big he will look just like the typical man with a little baggy bottom!

Paige M said...

You know, your kids will always remember all this "cool" stuff you do! Very neat. It inspires me, but makes me tired just thinking about it!

heather said...

It was a grand party the boys had a blast. Eric also likes to dress "fancy" as he calls it he also does not care to shop unless it is just for him and we go straight in and straight out. Also the suits are pretty much the same as pants and shirt sizes.

Missy said...

I bow to you. (but not very low, I'm way out of shape!)
That is a very awesome idea.
Glad they all had a grand ole time.

Grateful Introspection

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