Saturday, August 26, 2006


Time for another installment of "Funny Things Heard At My House". Only this time, it was in Kim's van.

An actual conversation:

Ellas(to Grace) - You better stop or I'm gonna twist your ankle!

Grace - Well, I'll twist your little head.

Brendan(annoyed) - Stop both of you or I'll pull your rib out of socket!

Laughter from everyone...

Grace - I don't get it.

Ellas(by way of explanation) - He'll pull your rib out of a sock...

Ty - Socket.

Kim - touche`

None of it makes any sense, but since it was really late, we laughed for about twenty minutes.

1 comment:

Jawan said...

Makes me long for some sister time with my own. It's about time you blogged.

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