Friday, February 10, 2006

Here's our first formal studio pic in many years. We had it made for our pictoral directory at church. Doesn't Chris look handsome? *wink* Posted by Picasa


Jawan said...

Wow, what a good lookin' bunch! They are growing up. Chris is handsome but you are stunning, Crissy!

Yates Boykin said...

Chris is quite a hunk!

Amber said...

Your family portrait is great--y'all are all so beautiful (and/or handsome)!! I am saving the pic to my desktop so that now when I get to missing you, I can "see" you every day! Love you!!

Grateful Introspection

Sometimes when a person is expressing gratitude, others call their words a "humble brag". Ty explained this to me. The person is a...