Sunday, October 22, 2006

I Miss My Blog

I miss blogging. I don't know why but ever since we got DSL it's harder to post. I think it's cause the phone interrupts me now.

Much has happened since my last post. Too much. I can't possibly go back and catch up. I'll just have to start where I am.

My kids have been sick. Gracie started out with croup and ended with bronchitis. Ty started with a sinus infection and has progressed to pneumonia. He was on antibiotics when he developed pneumonia. He's been on even stronger antibiotics and can't seem to shake it. It aggravates his asthma too. This pretty much freaks me out. Long story. He's the short version. Ty is my Uncle Dennis's doppleganger. (don't know if that's spelled right) He looks like him, acts like him, is tempermented like him, has his mannerisms, has the same illnesses - like allergies, nosebleeds, etc. My Uncle Dennis died when he was 17. They thought he has pneumonia. He didn't respond to treatment because he didn't have pneumonia, he had blastomycosis. That's a fungal infection in the lungs. He got sick on October 11th, 1963. Ty got sick on October 11th. Add to this my raging PMS and I've been battling to trust God with my child. I know, I know. I am deranged.

We've had a couple of mice in the house this month. I have personally seen to it that both mice were executed. It's a long and very funny story. The first mouse took up residence in our big chest of drawers in our room. It pooped in every single drawer. We put out 4 snap traps and 2 glue traps. At 4am one morning it got stuck. But only its back paws, so it proceeded to drag itself across the carpet, screaming. Lovely. I put a bucket on top of the trap so that it wouldn't escape. So for the rest of the night I lay in my bed and listened to a screaming mouse headbutt the side of the bucket. The next morning Chris and I took it outside and 'let it go', which actually means that Chris stomped it til it died. That's what it gets for making me have to wash all of my clothes.

The second mouse took me by surprise. I got up about 2am to take care of Brody when it ran across the living room and about made me wet myself. So, being Zena the Warrior Princess, I grabbed the broom and sat on the couch very quietly until it ran out of its hiding place. I jumped up to pursue but it made it to the school room. I stood in the hallway but was way too skittish for that; so I sat on the arm of the couch and waited. After about 15 minutes, it ran out of the school room, with me in hot pursuit, straight to my bedroom! Oh, I was mad! So, without even thinking, I flip on the light switch and sit on the end of the bed with my broom. I was determined that this mouse was gone before the night was over. (At this point Chris woke up... I have no idea why.) Then I remembered the chest of drawers. Within 15 seconds of yanking out the bottom drawer, I heard the mouse start gnawing. Gotcha! I ran and got the flashlight and looked under the chest but nope, not there. Then I looked behind the chest and saw the cable to the TV start shaking. It was trying to get out thru the hole in the floor. Oh, I don't think so! Chris took the broom handle and started hitting it. Then... silence. No movement. We moved the sock that I had previously tried to stuff in the hole. At first we saw nothing, but after looking a little harder we realized that it's butt was stuck in the hole. All we could see were a tail, two feet and a poop hole. I grabbed the video camera 'cause it was the funniest thing I'd ever seen. Chris got the tongs and pulled it out. Then we took it outside and 'let it go', which means that Chris dropped a brick on it. I have no mercy for vermin that carry disease and poop on my clothes. Hate me if you must.

Kim and Terri and I are contemplating taking the kids on an RV trip to DC and Philadelphia. Won't that be fun? I mean it's only 2000 miles couped up with 6 kids. But it is cheap and educational.

Leslie and I decided to print up tshirts for the kids to wear on field trips that say "Homeskooling is grate!" That makes me laugh.

Well, that's all for tonight. I'll try to be more faithful with my posts.

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Grateful Introspection

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