Tuesday, January 01, 2013

New Year's Day 2013

Why yes, I do know every single word of Tom's Diner by Suzanne Vega. I'm glad you asked and are now impressed.

Today is apparently flashback day on my Pandora station, currently playing Tracy Chapman's Talkin' About A Revolution. (I know the words to that one too.)

It's an easy day at the Sharp house today. I finally figured out how to get all the sermons I've recorded with my phone onto the website. It's a 12 step process. It's not so bad now that I've finally figured it out.

Here comes Air of December by Edie Brickell. Score!

Brody has been discontent today. He wanted more structure that I was willing to give him. He's since informed me that he's ready for school to start back. Gracie and Ty have turned into vegetables. Vegetables with Netflix and headphones, that is. Maggie and her friend Victory have watched movies and talked and are now at Waffle House drinking coffee. I'm telling you, Waffle House is the place to be in Springville.

Chris is sleeping. He had such a wonderful off week. I hated for him that he had to go back. I know he's not happy at work. He still likes his boss and his co-workers, but the Obama Care is making him die slowly inside. I'm praying for... I don't know. That's one of those groaning prayers. God is good and He loves my husband.

I've seen a lot of stuff on the internet today about "Finally getting organized." Let me tell you something I've learned. Either you're organized by nature or you're not. If you come by it naturally, good for you! If you don't, settle in... it's going to be a lifelong struggle. It will get easier, but there will always be pockets of chaos that slip right through your fingers. And that's okay. It's just the way of it. Don't beat yourself up about it. That's all I have to say about that.

The picture to the left is one that Brody just drew of a suit of armor for fighting. The two things on the shoulders are guns, mini-guns. "they are seven-barrelled guns, that shoot 25 rounds per minute." The mask is gold, red and gray. "The center of the chest is like Iron Man's thing. It's basically 50 rounds per minute, the guns are."
So there you have it...

 I really want to brush my teeth but my toothbrush is in my bathroom and Chris is sleeping. Yuck.

I have been in my pajamas all day long. It's been lovely. I need a shower though. Good thing I didn't win the Publisher's Sweepstakes today. That would have been really embarrassing!

Enough rambling. I'm done now.

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